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Campws Byw // Campus Life

Campws Byw // Campus Life

Bangor University Campus Life Programme is a community run by the Residential Life Manager, Campus Life Coordinators and the Warden Team, for all residents of University Halls.

The Campus Life Programme has been developed to help you to get the most from your time in Halls. So whether you're a Fresher on Ffriddoedd, or a returner to our residences, your participation and involvement is key to making it all a success.

We look forward to seeing you throughout the year at our timetable of events. Remember to let us know if there are any events you'd like to run!


Campws Byw // Campus Life

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15.8 Sewing Class / Gweithdy Gwnïo



Campus Life have teamed up with The Great British Sewing Bee finalist, Debra Drake! Bringing you a series of sewing classes which focus on making useful products from recycled materials. Last year we made scrunchies, cushion covers and tote bags from old curtains, duvets and designer “Chanel” suits!

Mae Campws Byw wedi ymuno â chystadleuydd rownd derfynol The Great British Sewing Bee, Debra Drake! Dyma gyfres o ddosbarthiadau gwnïo sy'n canolbwyntio ar wneud eitemau defnyddiol gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau wedi'u hailgylchu. Y llynedd fe wnaethom scrunchies gwallt, gorchuddion clustogau a bagiau cario gan ddefnyddio hen lenni, duvets a siwtiau cynllunydd “Chanel”!
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19.10 Look after your Mate Training / Hyfforddiant Edrych ar ôl dy Ffrind



Students may find themselves in the role of invisible carers, providing a considerable level of informal support to a fellow student. The workshop empowers students with the skills, knowledge and confidence to support friends experiencing mental health difficulties, whilst looking after their own wellbeing.

Gall myfyrwyr ganfod eu bod wedi ysgwyddo rôl gofalwr anweladwy, a’u bod yn rhoi lefel sylweddol o gefnogaeth anffurfiol i gyd-fyfyriwr.
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20.10 Sunday Roast / Cinio dydd Sul 6pm



The free Sunday Roasts are a signature Campus Life event! Come along with your friends or grab a bite by yourself, just be sure to book on early at shop.bangor.ac.uk - as this is sure to be a sell out!

Mae Cinio dydd Sul Campws Byw yn un o’n digwyddiadau nodweddiadol! Dewch gyda'ch ffrindiau neu i gael platiaid ar eich pen eich hun, ond gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn archebu lle'n gynnar drwy shop.bangor.ac.uk, gan fod y digwyddiad hwn yn siwr o werthu allan!
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20.10 Sunday Roast / Cinio dydd Sul 7pm



The free Sunday Roasts are a signature Campus Life event! Come along with your friends or grab a bite by yourself, just be sure to book on early at shop.bangor.ac.uk - as this is sure to be a sell out!

Mae Cinio dydd Sul Campws Byw yn un o’n digwyddiadau nodweddiadol! Dewch gyda'ch ffrindiau neu i gael platiaid ar eich pen eich hun, ond gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn archebu lle'n gynnar drwy shop.bangor.ac.uk, gan fod y digwyddiad hwn yn siwr o werthu allan!
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Siediau Beiciau Dan Do St Mary's / St Mary's Covered Bike Sheds 2024/2025

Siediau Beiciau Dan Do St Mary's / St Mary's Covered Bike Sheds 2024/2025



ydd mynediad i'r sied feiciau yn costio £20.00. Byddwch yn cael mynediad i sied feic a gallwch ddefnyddio unrhyw un o'r lleoedd sydd ar gael yno. Dim ond un beic gewch eich storio a dim ond un beic sy'n cael ei ganiatáu fesul person. Bydd mynediad yn cael ei raglennu i ffob eich ystafell/neuadd.

Access to the bike shed will cost £20.00. You will be given access to a bike shed and can use any of the available spaces there. Bicycles only may be stored and only one bike is allowed per person. Access will be programmed to your room/hall fob.
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Siediau Beiciau Dan Do Ffriddoedd / Ffriddoedd Covered Bike Sheds 2024/25

Siediau Beiciau Dan Do Ffriddoedd / Ffriddoedd Covered Bike Sheds 2024/25



Bydd mynediad i'r sied feiciau yn costio £20.00. Byddwch yn cael mynediad i sied feic a gallwch ddefnyddio unrhyw un o'r lleoedd sydd ar gael yno. Dim ond un beic gewch eich storio a dim ond un beic sy'n cael ei ganiatáu fesul person. Bydd mynediad yn cael ei raglennu i ffob eich ystafell/neuadd.

Access to the bike shed will cost £20.00. You will be given access to a bike shed and can use any of the available spaces there. Bicycles only may be stored and only one bike is allowed per person. Access will be programmed to your room/hall fob.
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