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Tour of Anglesey Sea Zoo - ADULT TICKET (Saturday)

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Tour of Anglesey Sea Zoo.
Saturday, 25 May 2024, 2:00pm

Taith o amgylch Sw Môr Môn.
Dydd Sadwrn, 25 May 2024, 2:00pm


Detailed Description

Family-friendly tour of Anglesey Sea Zoo.

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 2:00pm

Join the team for an exclusive behind-the-scenes guided tour of the Anglesey Sea Zoo marine conservation centre and its facilities.

After the tour you will be free to ask as many questions as you like, then enjoy a complimentary game of crazy golf and either spend the rest of the day on site or return again whenever you like over the weekend with your ticket.

This family-friendly tour is suitable for all ages and is not limited to families. There is full disabled access across the site.

Tickets are valid for the whole weekend so you can return as many times as you like. Ticket price includes a complimentary game of crazy golf and admission to all daily talks, feeds and interactive sessions.


Taith o amgylch Sŵ Môr Môn i'r teulu i gyd!

Dydd Sadwrn, 25 Mai 2024, 2:00pm

Ymunwch â'r tîm ar gyfer taith dywys unigryw o ganolfan gadwraeth forol Sw Môr Môn a'i chyfleusterau.

Ar ôl y daith byddwch yn rhydd i ofyn cymaint o gwestiynau ag y dymunwch, yna mwynhau gêm rad ac am ddim o golff crazy a naill ai treulio gweddill y dydd ar y safle neu ddychwelyd eto pryd bynnag y byddwch yn hoffi dros y penwythnos gyda'ch tocyn.

Mae'r daith hon yn addas i bob oedran ac nid yw'n gyfyngedig i deuluoedd. 

Mae tocynnau'n ddilys ar gyfer y penwythnos cyfan felly gallwch ddychwelyd gymaint o weithiau ag y dymunwch. Mae pris y tocyn yn cynnwys gêm am ddim o golff gwallgof a mynediad i'r holl sgyrsiau, porthiant a sesiynau rhyngweithiol dyddiol.