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Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop 28 November 2024


Bydd y gweithdy rhyngweithiol hwn yn rhoi cyfle i chi ehangu eich dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl a lles. Bydd y rhai sy’n bresennol yn cael mewnwelediad ymarferol trwy archwilio senarios ac astudiaethau achos go iawn. Nod y gweithdy yw cefnogi datblygiad personol a'r gallu i gynorthwyo eraill i reoli eu hiechyd meddwl a'u lles. 

This interactive workshop will provide you with an opportunity to broaden your understanding of mental health and wellbeing. Attendees will gain practical insights through the exploration of real-world scenarios and case studies. The workshop aims to support both personal development and the ability to assist others in managing their mental health and wellbeing. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop 28 November 2024


Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop Dydd Iau 28 Tachwedd 2024 / Thursday 28 November 2024



Bydd y gweithdai rhyngweithiol hyn yn rhoi cyfle i chi ehangu eich dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl a lles.

These interactive workshops will provide you with an opportunity to broaden your understanding of mental health and wellbeing.


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