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26.10 Bounce Below / Gwibdaith! Bounce Below

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Jump, bounce and slide your way through a disused mine on one of the most unique playgrounds in the world! Located an hour away from Bangor, transportation and entrance is provided by Campus Life. Book on early at shop.bangor.ac.uk

Dewch i neidio, bownsio a llithro eich ffordd trwy hen chwarel yn un o feysydd chwarae mwyaf unigryw'r byd! Wedi'i leoli awr i ffwrdd o Fangor, darperir cludiant a thâl mynediad gan Gampws Byw. Archebwch yn gynnar drwy shop.bangor.ac.uk


Detailed Description

Depart outside Reichel Halls at 10am and return at 3.00pm

People with weak, injured or previously injured ankles - Should not take part in Bounce Below.

Maximum weight - 120kgs 

Tickets are transferrable between students however please notify us at - [email protected]


10am-3.00pm Y tu allan Reichel

Dylai pobl gyda ffêriau gwan, neu sydd wedi cael anaf i’w ffêr – ddim cymryd rhan yn ‘Bounce Below’

Uchafswm pwysdu 120kg

Yn anffodus ni allwn gynnig ad-daliad wedi’r dyddiad hwn.

Gellir trosglwyddo ticedi rhwng myfyrwyr, ond am resymau iechyd a diogelwch, dylir danfon hysbysiad ysgrifenedig at [email protected]