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29.10 Sewing Workshop / Gweithdy Gwnïo

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Campus Life have teamed up with The Great British Sewing Bee finalist, Debra Drake! Bringing you a series of sewing classes which focus on making useful products from recycled materials. Last year we made scrunchies, cushion covers and tote bags from old curtains, duvets and designer “Chanel” suits!

Mae Campws Byw wedi ymuno â chystadleuydd rownd derfynol The Great British Sewing Bee, Debra Drake! Dyma gyfres o ddosbarthiadau gwnïo sy'n canolbwyntio ar wneud eitemau defnyddiol gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau wedi'u hailgylchu. Y llynedd fe wnaethom scrunchies gwallt, gorchuddion clustogau a bagiau cario gan ddefnyddio hen lenni, duvets a siwtiau cynllunydd “Chanel”!